
Our blog isn’t about us. It’s about you. We discuss business challenges and real issues human service agencies and caseworkers face everyday. You’ll find traditional human services software articles about things like document management for human services and social work technology. But you’ll also find inspirational stories to boost caseworkers’ spirits and tools to help agencies find and gain support for technology in human services.

Brittany Traylor's Articles

Posted Thursday, June 27, 2024 by Brittany Traylor

New Ideas and Innovations Aiming to Fill the Gap in Child Welfare

“Even when child protective services is engaged, proactive help is rarely forthcoming. Despite the good intentions of system administrators and caseworkers, the cumulative result is too many families — and millions of children — dangling on the fringes of security and stability. This story is not destiny. The key is to modify the child welfare paradigm from one of reaction to one of prevention. We can do this by changing the basic question animating the entire modern child welfare system from ‘Is this child safe?’ to ‘What do families need to thrive?’” 

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Posted Monday, August 28, 2023 by Brittany Traylor

Links We Love: Change Management Resources for Human Services

If you’ve ever started a new health or fitness regimen, you know this feeling: you recognize that trading in your existing habits for something better will have a positive impact on your well-being. But getting started seems so … daunting.


In human services, the same goes for making change on an organizational level. Whether you’re implementing a new tool, technology, policy, or practice model, it may seem scary at first, but it gets better as you begin to experience the value and benefits of change.

We recently published our own change management guide, Change Management 101: Empowering Human Services Agencies to Embrace Innovation, to ease your journey. Today we thought it would also be helpful to round up expert resources. Keep reading for an overview of how each resource can help you.

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Posted Wednesday, May 24, 2023 by Brittany Traylor

How Technology Can Help Build a Child's Foster Care Story

Children are deserving of their story. And a connection to their family. The impacts of foster care and out-of-home placement vary for each child but have been proven to cause unique challenges that affect a child’s behavioral, emotional, and mental health. However, providing a detailed and comprehensive story of a child’s journey can help mitigate potential negative impacts and vastly contribute to their future well-being.  

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